Title 1

What is Title I?

Wallace & Priscilla Stevenson Intermediate School participates in the Title I Program. Title I, Part A, is part of the Every Student Succeeds Act. It’s goal is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach proficiency on challenging state academic standards. Students, parents/guardians, and teachers can all work together. Please click here to participate in our plan to partner together for student success: https://forms.gle/VHc28j3TkxtygNEi8

Please contact the principal or Title I coordinator if you would like more information about Title I at our school. You can also find out more about Title I by visiting the state website here: https://bit.ly/3jdebz1

How does my student get help from Title I?

Check in with your child’s teachers: Each teacher works with a Title I support staff member during a specific block in the school day where students can get extra help.

Title I Reading Program: Some students have an extra reading class to build foundational reading skills. If your child is part of this program, a letter has been sent home with details. Contact Megan Sheffels for more information.

Contact Information
Brian Fraser (Principal)

Megan Sheffels (Title I Coordinator)